Monday, March 7, 2011

More Fluency Practice

For details about the importance of fluency practice, see this previous post.

Do you know what is meant by balance of nature? When nature is in balance, living things have plenty to eat and homes in which to sleep. When nature is out of balance, animals find surviving hard. A balance in nature is best and it is something we can all work toward.

It was a few hours before dawn in the forest. The dew seemed cool to the squirrels as they scampered around the trees. The birds woke as the first hues of sunlight struck the leaves. It’s a peaceful morning in this wildlife forest.

We have been learning about the importance of balance in nature. In “Wolf Island,” the wolves left the island for a new home. When the wolves left it disrupted, or threw off, the balance of nature. There were too few wolves to keep the population of other animals down, and there was not enough food for all of the animals. Nature requires balance to thrive.

Animals learn to adapt to their habitats. We have read about animals that adapt to life in trees, about a family of ducks that adapts to a big city, and about wolves that move from one place to another. Natural wonders are all around us. If we respect and protect nature, it will continue to amaze us.

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